Gen. Choi Hong Hi
Founder of Taekwondo
Dear ITF Nepal Members
We are really grateful to Gen.choi Hong Hi Founder of Taekwon-Do being the member of Taekwon-Do in this beautiful Globe. As a Taekwon-D tenets and principles we are committed to be the champion of world followed the Slogan of ITF Taekwon-Do ,Justice ,Truth and World Peace. As a affiliated National Member of International Taekown-Do Federation (Spain).We have follows the rules and regulation of ITF (International Body) We must realize that the ITF Taekwon-do is the way of Life and always thought to make this world beautiful through the Taekown-Do tenets and Principles. The year of 2020 is totally disturbed due to Covid-19 Pandemics. However we must walk with this Pandamic in different ways. Nowadays the solution of this Covid-19 has by the vaccination and the people awareness, so we can move smoothly, we supposed to come normal day by day. I just request all the member of Taekwon-Do ,to keep this world beautiful, peaceful and freedom through the ITF Taekwon-do activities.
Warm regards
Chetan Raj Giri